Shinjuku Lost Child
Published by Zen Foto Gallery, 2020
Book size 29.7 x 21 cm
Pages 147 pages
Softcover binding
ISBN: 9784905453413
First Edition in 2016
Good condition
"Walking from the East exit of Shinjuku station towards Kabukicho, my heart begins to pound. Kabukicho reveals human desire. I adore it. I slept on cardboard on the street, under neon, and it felt good. I was out of the machine and I saw myself differently. The cardboard bed is perfect for when I get into trouble." Seung-woo Yang
Shinjuku Lost Child are photographs taken by Tokyo-based Korean photographer Seung-woo Yang during the years 1998 to 2006, depicting the vivid character and vibrant energy of the people and the district of Kabukicho in Shinjuku. Bringing awareness of both the self and a presence beyond Yang's viewfinder, and of time just before and after, these photographs will excite the imagination of the viewer. The Governor of Tokyo announced the 'Clean up Kabukicho Campaign' in 2004, aiming to transform the district into a “safe” town for all to enjoy. What will definitely remain unchanged of this place?
"Walking from the East Exit of Shinjuku Station to Kabukicho, my heart starts beating. Kabukicho reveals human desire. I love it. I slept on cardboard on the street, under the neon lights, and it felt good. I was out of time and saw myself differently. The cardboard bed is perfect when I'm in trouble." Seung-woo Yang
Shinjuku Lost Child are photographs taken by Tokyo-based Korean photographer Seung-woo Yang during the years 1998 to 2006, depicting the liveliness and vibrant energy of the people and neighborhood of Kabukicho in Shinjuku. Bringing a sense of self-awareness and presence beyond Yang’s viewfinder, and the time just before and after, these photographs will excite the viewer’s imagination. The governor of Tokyo announced the “Kabukicho Cleanup Campaign” in 2004, aiming to transform the neighborhood into a “safe” city for all to enjoy. What will remain forever unchanged of this place?