Published by East Japan Railway Culture Fondation, 2008
Book size 21x 30 cm
36 pages
Language Japanese
Edited by Haraku Tanaka
Produced by Bijutsu Shuppan Design Center
This book is a catalogue produced for the exhibition of the same name, which exhibited the prints of photographer Kiyoshi Sonobe at the Tokyo Station Gallery. The exhibition focused on the landscape photography of the Japanese photographer. The exhibition focused on the Japanese photographer's landscape photography, with part of his photographic work focusing on the relationship between man and his environment. 80 prints exposing human crowds in Japanese streets, industrial areas, dilapidated houses, ... This exhibition follows the life of the Japanese people punctuated by work.
Cet ouvrage est un catalogue réalisé lors de l'exposition du même nom exposant les tirages du photographe Kiyoshi Sonobe à la Tokyo Station Gallery. L'exposition était portée sur la photographie de paysage du photographe japonais. Celui-ci orientant une partie de son travail photographique vers la relation entre l'homme et son environnement. 80 tirages exposant des foules humaines dans les rues japonaises, des zones industriels, des habitations délabrées, ... Cette exposition suit la vie des japonais rythmée par le travail.