GOSSAMER, Damian Noszkowicz
11.10.2022, 19h - 20h30
Join us for a talk to discover GOSSAMER, the first photobook by the poland photographer Damian Noszkowicz.
GOSSAMER brings together 150 photos and 43 poems that bear witness to his career over the past seven years and express the emotion that the beauty of the male body inspires in him, the austerity of the landscapes of Iceland. , the images of Poland that haunted his childhood, particular moments of his new life in Paris, or scenes of nature that remain imprinted on his retina.
Signed print offered at the time of signing!
Rejoignez-nous pour découvrir GOSSAMER, le premier photobook de la photographe roumaine Damian Noszkowicz.
GOSSAMER rassemble 150 photos et 43 poèmes qui témoignent du parcours exceptionnel de l'artiste sur ces sept dernières années et expriment l’émotion que lui inspirent notamment la beauté du corps masculin, l’austérité des paysages d’Islande, les images de Pologne qui ont hanté son enfance, des moments particuliers de sa nouvelle vie à Paris, ou des scènes de nature qui restent imprimées sur sa rétine.
Tirage signé offert lors de la signature !